Ven. Ilukpitiye Pannasekara
(The chief monk in the african continent)
Publication of the Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhana Society
November 2010
ISBN: 978-967-5168-16-1
Points to Ponder: Useful quotes from this book
"Here in Africa, lots of people experience poverty and can only think of survival in terms of materialistic needs and not of mental development or concentration. If anybody offers these they will automatically follow the religion of the providers. So materialistic needs overtake religious needs".
"Buddhist missionaries are not supposed to make any material support to their followers as their principle. Instead, followers have to donate to the missionaries, thus people are not going to follow these missionaries who have only mental happiness to offer instead of their daily needs for survival".
"28.6% of Tanzanians cannot read and write in any language. There is more illiteracy among women (36 %) than men (20.4 %)".
"The Africans are very faithful in their belief in God and his creations. In Buddhism, we cannot find the concept of creator God. There is no final judgment, no repentance or forgiveness foy your evil actions, no eternal life and ultimate God. Everything depends on you and your actions. You are the judge, creator, and will reap the results of your actions".